"Eleanor is an exceptional healer. My sessions with her have been very insightful and beyond my expectations. Her healing always harmonised the past and the present, and offered a glance of the future about to become. Her outstanding healing abilities have also made me realise the power and great impact of distant healing, and I had a realisation of what I never thought could be possible. No matter how much time has passed, Eleanor’s sessions still resonate with me."
Francine, North Yorkshire, UK

"The other day I had a wonderful reading with Eleanor. I was blown away by her accuracy. Eleanor picked up straight away on issues surrounding my work, these issues have been bothering me for some time. She rightly pointed out that there is deception going on at work and people not to be trusted that was totally spot on and confirmed what I suspected.
Eleanor is a fantastic medium: on two occasions she brought messages from my grandparents and accurately described what they looked like and what they used to do. It was comforting to hear what they had to say to me. They told me things that she couldn´t have known.
Eleanor also talked about energies coming in for me in the near future, the possibility of a new job or pursuing a long-held dream. She couldn´t have possibly known these things as they are in my mind. Her advice and guidance resonated with me on every level.
I found Eleanor´s readings to be comforting, uplifting and encouraging. Five stars out of five from me!"
Marion, Almeria, Spain
"I've read many books about Reiki and give this one to my own Reiki I students. It had good, solid information and is written in a clear, understandable style. It also conveys the peace and wonder of Reiki's healing energy. It is an excellent investment for anyone who wants to learn more about the practice of Reiki."
G Burgess, USA